I came to tell you about our experience about fusion, because it happened, like 3 weeks ago, and our host didn't talked about it, because he didn't know how to take it, so I'm explaining it.
Why am I even talking about it if our host didn't take it very well? Well, it's because if this blog is about our documentation then at least someone has to talk about it, also, he is already getting used to it, so he's fine, don't worry.
Okay so, let's start by saying, Wilbur(the guy from previous log) and Berry (our host) fused on the night of December 5th, and it was confirmed on December 6th, at first Berry felt normal, felt like usual, then they tried to call Wilbur and front trigger him, no success, the guy was nowhere to be found internally, and so Berry had some feelings and would pay attention to some behavioral details that matched Wilbur's, such as the way of thinking, habit of poetry, etc.
The way that this is different from the overlapping identities or personalities is that, when this is done, there's no easy way to go back, also this feels like only one person, while on the other there's still a hint of there being 2 people, as well as the fact that now the perspective on some memories made by one of them, goes to the other person involved in the fusion, and now sees those memories as their own.
To some systems, this is the death of an alter, our host is not the exception. He took the fusion of Wilbur as his death, mourned him and notified close people. To me personally, fusion is just a sign of healing, it's not the death of nobody, is the unification of two people that is going through a healing process. Wilbur is not dead to me, he is just going by another names, looks and pronouns that matches the host's.
Anyways, yeah, that's it, thanks for coming to my TED talk, it's 3 am and I am posting this now because I have insomnia when I front. I'm not talking about that now. Goodnight. Happy new year.