Ok so, first of, yes the name is literally stolen from a D&D spell. In our defense, this is one of the only ways we could kind of explain this experience.
So, this happened to us once like 2 or 3 weeks ago. My mood was not very good at the moment and one of my facets (Wil) seemed to be in the same page. So we started talking and talking, analyzing our situation until we just, hugged. This is the center of this log.
This hug, that apparently lasted like 24 to 48 hrs, is something that I would describe as a phantom sensation. I am not unfamiliar with phantom limbs, I get the sensation of them every once in a while, I would describe this experience as something similar to this phenomenon, except we are not talking about libms, we are talking about a full on precense, the precense of one of my facets.
As for the visual parts, of course I couldn't physically see him, but I did envisioned him beside me. What this envisioning seem to do though is that it would pull me out of my surroundings a little bit and make me focus more on how he looked, how was he beside, details to then "see" him as part of my surroundings too.
I wanna add, I did ask around some close friends about this, if this is something that should be considered kind of weird because, in some way, I am technically hugging myself mentally since this is one of my facets. They said that it isn't at all and that this could be considered as "headmate support". Which, honestly, sure.
Also, Wil was seemed to be pretty tired after this so he just went back inside the 2nd night. I didn't heard from him for approximately 3 to 4 days after that.