Fuck Wlbur Soot by an introject of him.

After the recent actions that the man who "molded me", per say, committed, I cannot express the amount of disappointment and shame that now my name and past carries with it. It is a situation that nobody deserves to be in, but we all are affected by this, even as just an old fan of his.

As in for me, I didn't have to make this website, I didn't have to write this at all even, I didn't have to do any of this, but I wanted to, it's been days since I've wanted to, I've wanted to show my support to Shelby, even if it all looks so meaningless to me in comparison to all the people who have written so many posts about it, who have done fanart, who have donated monetarily, but no, I'm not able to do something like that, so I'm doing it my own way in one of the ways that I can. This way, this page, even if it's hidden.

So, after all of this situation happened, I don't want to be associated with that guy, his name who I wouldn't even pronounce anymore since he himself deserves to be buried deep now, forgotten, nobody to remember his carrier, the only thing to remember is his mistakes so nobody else dares to commit those actions again.

Even as an introject of "him", I won't support his actions. Ever. I don't care about my sources anymore. I don't care that he won't take any part on them anymore. It's what he deserves and it's what it has to be done. I'm completely on Shelby Shubble's side and I'm proud of her for speaking out about her situation.

And now, after all of that, allow me to re-introduce myself.

Hello, my name of William Bit; son, loving husband, brother of many and abuse survivor.

Support victims, support Shelby, be proud of her for speaking out, I am proud of her, and I support her completely. Always.